Trailering your horse can be a stressful situation, especially if you have never traveled with your horse before. With summer being the season when most horse owners or competitors travel, it's important to do everything possible to make your horse comfortable. McKenzie Mae Brown, a PNW barrel racer shared her insight on some tips to help your horse be comfortable in a trailer.
Tip 1: Put on a Fly Mask
When you have your trailer windows down, don't forget a fly mask! Having a fly mask on your horse will keep debris out of your horse's eyes.
Tip # 2: Be Careful how you Blanket
The inside of your trailer can get hot easily, especially if there is more than one horse inside. Be sure to not blanket your horse heavily and be mindful of how hot it can be inside.

Tip # 3: Check your Tires and your Trailer
A low tire or a loose divider can not only make the trailer ride more uncomfortable for your horse but also unsafe. Be sure to always check all parts of your trailer before leaving.
Tip # 4: Give an Electrolyte Paste to your Horse before Hauling
As most of us know, it can be tricky getting a horse to drink while on the road. Giving an electrolyte paste can help encourage your horse to drink even in a stressful environment.
Tip # 5: Offer Hay in the Trailer
Trailering is already stressful, and if your horse has an empty stomach, it can be incredibly painful for them. Not allowing your horse to have access to hay is a recipe for ulcers to occur. Chewing on forage produces saliva which helps buffer stomach acid, without it, all that stomach acid is sloshing around in your horse's belly!
Be sure to head to McKenzie's Instagram for more horse care tips!