If your horse is new to traveling, then it can become a stressful situation for both you and your horse. Taking a few approaches and planning can help ensure that you and your horse has a stress-free ride. Let's look at some handy tips that you can implement in your planning for traveling with your horse.
Gather All the Essentials
Just as if you were packing for a vacation, gather all of your horse's essentials to make sure you don't leave something behind. It's helpful to make a list of all your horse's essentials, you can also find a travel checklist online for inspiration.
Some things on your list should be:
Travel papers (if traveling across state lines)
Health ceritficates if needed
Saddle pads
Bridles and bits
Lead rope
Tack trunk
Feed and supplements
Feed and water buckets
Manure fork
Blankets, sheets, and/or cooler if needed
Stall fans
Shavings or straw for bedding
First aid kit
Grooming supplies
Fly Spray
Hay Net
What is listed above is the basic essentials. Check online for checklist inspiration for a full list. There are many things on your list, so make sure to double check that you have everything before leaving home. You can also make a seperate checklist for your belongings so they do not get left behind!
Prepare your Horse
Preparing your horse for travel is very important, especially if your horse has not traveled before. Make sure your horse is comfortable getting in and out of the trailer. It is also very important that your horse is hydrated before traveling. Giving your horse electrolytes a few days in advance can help make sure that they are hydrated before your trip. Only do this if your horse has not been drinking normally during the few days before traveling. Load up all of your essentials before loading your horse. Load your horse last.
Give your horse free-access to hay during your trip. Pack enough hay to last your entire trip. Using a hay net is the best way to give your horse hay while in the trailer. Be sure to put the net high enough where it will be out of hoof's reach. Head here to read about Hay Chix nets.

During the Trip
During your travels, make several rest stops. When parking, park in a shaded area if possible. It is recommended by the Kentucky Horse Council that you take breaks for every 4 hours, and at least for 20 minutes. It is best to leave your horse in the trailer during rest stops, as unfamiliar environments could cause your horse to be fearful and skittish. During these rest stops, make sure your horse still has water and hay available.
Let your Horse Rest
Once arriving to your destination, it is important to let your horse rest. Allow your horse to be in a stall and recover from your trip. Allow your horse to have time to get used to the new environment by hand walking him.
Have you traveled with your horse and have any more tips? Leave them in the comments below!