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How to Treat Cannon Crud on your Horse

The Glorified Equestrian

Updated: Jan 4, 2024

If you are out grooming your horse and notice some flaky skin or hair loss on the front of your horse's back legs, don't be alarmed... it's cannon crud. Cannon Keratosis, also known as "cannon crud" occurs on the cannon bone when too much keratin is produced. You start to notice cannon crud when the keratin releases from the skin and dries in the area. Cannon crud can affect any breed, gender, or age of horse. Cannon crud can be difficult to remove, but I am here to share some simple steps to remove cannon crud.

Step 1: Diagnose Cannon Crud

Cannon crud causes an oily appearance on the affected area, and you may notice hair coming off the area as you brush it. If you are not sure if it is cannon crud, check with your vet to make sure it isn't something more serious such as rain rot.

Step 2: Use a Grooming Tool

Before applying a product to the affected area, it is best to use a grooming tool to get all the flaky skin and hair off. My favorite tool for this is the StripHair Gentle Groomer. The StripHair Gentle Groomer is gentle on your horse, while also removing all that flaky skin and hair. This is my go-to for cannon crud!

Using the StripHair Gentle Groomer helps remove dry, flaky skin and hair

Step 3: Apply a Product

If you go online and search for products to help with cannon crud, so many options will come up in your search results. However, I will share my favorite product that is all natural! I prefer using Equiderma Skin Lotion or Espana SILK Natural Protein Antiseptic Topical Spray. After using a grooming tool, apply the topical of your choice to the affected area. Let it stay on there, and the next day you can use a shampoo such as the Espana SILK Natural Protein Antiseptic/Healing Shampoo.

It's that easy! Going through these 3 simple steps will help get rid of your horse's cannon crud! Do you have experience with cannon crud on your horse? Leave it in the comments below!


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