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Mane and Tail Care

The Glorified Equestrian

Updated: Jan 25

Horses are majestical creatures, but a long mane and tail truly make the horse even more majestic. Do you want your horse to have a long gorgeous mane and tail? Here are some tips and tricks on what you can do to keep the mane and tail healthy!

Assessing the Mane and Tail

By looking at a horses’ mane and tail, you can see if your horse is getting the right nutrients. A mane or tail that is thick and can appear shiny shows you that your horse is getting all the nutrients he needs. Along with proper nutrition, regular grooming and braiding can help prevent tangles. If your horse's hair has a short and dull appearance, then you may need to look at his diet.


It is important to brush out the mane and tail on a consistent basis. By doing this reguarly, you can keep knots and tangles to a minimum, and have your horse looking good! There are a lot of mane and tail brushes out on the market, but they all have one thing in common- they pull hair out. The Biomane Mane and Tail brush is a brush designed to not pull much or any hair out. I for one, love this brush and use it daily.

Biomane brush being used on a horse
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Braiding the mane and tail can be time consuming, but is worth it in many ways. By braiding the mane in small braids, you can prevent any tangling and breakage. When braiding the mane, make sure to not start the braid too tight, make it loose at the top then tighten the braid as you go down. Washing the mane or applying detangler can help the hair before the braiding process. Horse owners either use braiding bands or braiding tape. Braiding bands hold really well, but could pull your horses’ hair out when you take them out of the hair. That is why people like using Biomane Braiding Tape. Braiding tape secures the braid and does not pull much hair out when taking it off.


You may have seen a lot of horse owners use tailbags. It may look weird, but it does serve a purpose. Tailbags can help protect your horses’ tail from dirt and can keep your horses’ tail from becoming tangled. Tailbags can also help prevent tail breakage and keep your horse from stepping on their tail. There are many tailbags out on the market, but a great quality one is the Biomane Tailbag.

Washing and Detangling

Before braiding the mane and tail, it’s important that they are clean and detangled. You want to have clean hair so no dirt and debris aren't trapped in the braid. Also, by washing the mane and tail you can ensure there are no tangles before braiding. For a natural way to care for the mane and tail, I recommend Espana Silk products. These natural products help your horse be beautiful, and are so easy to use! You can read about them here.


Along with regular grooming, the mane and tail can benefit from added nutrients like amino acids and vitamins that help hair growth. If a horse has a dry, thin mane and tail, then there might be some nutrients your horse isn’t getting. By giving a supplement, you can ensure that your horse is getting the nutrients to have a healthy mane and tail. A very popular supplement for hair growth is Biomane Equine Pellets.


Don’t we all dream of a magical horse with the tail dragging on the ground? By taking some steps to improve your horses’ mane and tail, your horse can not only feel better, but look better too!


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