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Keeping your Horse Calm and Safe during Fireworks

The Glorified Equestrian

Updated: Jan 4, 2024

If you are a horse owner like me, you dread the occasions of fireworks. People in the public celebrate with fireworks for the 4th of July, or another holiday. Fireworks may be enjoyable for people, but they aren't for horses. To keep your horse calm and safe, there are a few actions you can take to prepare for a night of fireworks.

Plan Ahead

If you know the dates of when fireworks are going to be occuring, you can plan and be prepared. This plan can include keeping your horse on a regular routine and possibly putting your horse in a stall if necessary. If your horse is in the barn, you can close all the barn doors and windows to help the noise not be as loud.

You also need to check your fencing before the fireworks occur, and make sure it is all secure. Having your horse desensitized before hand will help your horse not be scared. By having your horse used to loud sounds, this will help prevent them from being scared of fireworks. If you have a really nervous horse, you can also feed a calming supplement such as natural raspberry leaves.

Fireworks can be scary for horses, but by taking some action you can help it be less stressful.

Provide Distractions

Firstly, you need to provide your horse hay to keep him occupied and his mind off of the fireworks. You can provide hay whether he is in a stall or in the pasture. Providing hay in a hay net will help the hay last longer for your horse. My favorite net for this is a Hay Chix net. Head here for a 20% coupon for your Hay Chix purchase.

If your horse is in the barn, you can also use a radio as a distraction. Turn the radio on to hide the noise of the fireworks, just make sure the radio is in a safe place where your horse cannot access it. Check on your horse regularly throughout the night, and even staying with your horse may help calm them.

Having a plan in place for a night of fireworks will help it be less stressful for your horse. The most important actions you can take is to provide calming support such as a supplement and masking the noise of fireworks.


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