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Horsing Around with Arthrogryposis

The Glorified Equestrian

Updated: Jul 11, 2023

Having fun with horses can mean different things to different people. For some, having fun with horses can mean competing in another state or going on a trail ride. For me, having fun with horses is a bit different than what others may think. However, my situation is a little different than others. Let me introduce myself and my amazing horse, Glory.

I’m Jewell, a disabled equestrian that doesn’t let anything stop me from doing what I love. I was born with Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita, a condition that involves multiple joint contractures in the body. I cannot stand without braces on my legs, or I would just fall to the ground! I use a walker when travelling and a wheelchair for long distances. Okay, enough about me. Let’s move on to introducing Glory. Glory is a Tennessee Walking horse that was given to me 6 years ago. I’ve spent those 6 years “having fun” with Glory and doing many different things with her.

Bringing Glory home was a dream come true, and I take every chance to share glimpses of our journey. I started with having articles published in equine blogs and magazines, such as Young Rider and Horse Illustrated. Last year, I started this blog! My goal is to entertain and educate readers about all things horses, from horse care to living the equine lifestyle. In my magazine articles, I hope to inspire others that anything is possible when God is by your side.

When I brought Glory to her forever home, I enjoyed spending time with her. This could be simple things such as grooming or watching her graze. Having fun with horses is so simple for me. Going out to the barn to care for Glory is fun for me. I don’t have to compete or do something extravagant to have fun. I enjoy daily tasks like grooming, picking out hooves, and pampering Glory with conditioner on her mane and tail. There are many different activities that we can do with our horses to “have fun”.

I enjoy going out for a 20–30-minute ride on Glory. Even though I only ride her at a walk (for my safety), it is still fun for me. To add to the fun when riding, sometimes we do the barrel pattern at a walk. It may not be the traditional riding that you are used to seeing, but I enjoy every minute of it. I also enjoy pampering Glory like giving her a bath, putting detangler and conditioner in her mane and tail, and braiding her tail. These are all activities I love doing, especially in the summer.

Another activity I have enjoyed doing with Glory is desensitizing. By using objects such as an umbrella, plastic tarp, and grocery bag, I can desensitize Glory to not fear these things. Aside from regular care and riding, I love liberty training. I haven’t done much of it with Glory but have worked on some basics. I love getting her to follow me around in the pasture and stop beside me when I do. It’s so magical. I also love having small photoshoots with my horse, especially when the weather is beautiful! I even had a prom photoshoot with Glory a year after prom. It felt just as magical as it would’ve during the year I attended prom. Photoshoots with Glory are so fun for me, and I love looking back at the photos that were taken.

Never think that just because you don’t compete with your horse doesn’t mean you aren’t having fun. There are so many things you can do with your horse besides competing. Having a horse is about building a relationship, making sacrifices, and having fun!


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