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What Horses Teach Us

The Glorified Equestrian

Updated: Mar 15, 2023

Over the years of owning a horse, I have learned a lot. Not just about horse care, but how to be selfless and put my horses’ needs before my own. Horses can teach us a lot of things, but the connection between humans and horses is just like no other.

When I first got my horse, Glory, I was filled with excitement. It was what I always wanted. I was no expert, so I had a lot to learn when it came to horse care. I did a lot of research and looked in every horse book I had. Bringing Glory home taught me how to deal with situations that I can’t control. Things happen when you own a horse, that’s just how it is. You can’t control if your horse gets hurt, but you can do whatever you can to help your horse.

Horses teach us to be humble and not put our needs first. They teach us to enjoy the small moments in life and to slow down from the everyday routine. Glory has brought out who I really am, just a girl that loves horses.

Having a horse takes dedication and sacrifice. There have been many times I have come home around 11pm, not even had supper, but go out to take care of Glory first. That is what it means to be a horse owner, putting your horse first before yourself, no matter how bad you may feel.

Every gift I get, either for my birthday or Christmas, when I get money, it all goes to Glory. I’m not the type of person to spend a lot of money on myself. I put all that money to Glory’s needs and care.

Glory has made me into the person I am today and I’m proud to say that she has taught me a lot over the past years. I can’t wait to see what more she will teach me in the future.


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