For a long time, people have been warned of purchasing a chestnut mare. Most equestrians would say that chestnut mares have a bad reputation and are known for their bad behaviors such as kicking or biting. Chestnut mares are often seen as being moody, just as some may see as a redhead person being. While this may be true for some chestnut mares, I do not believe it is true for all of them.
There was a study done by Brandon Velie at the University of Sydney, and he did not find any difference in the behavior of chestnut mares compared to other coat colors. However, the chestnut horses did have a bolder behavior compared to other horses and were more likely to approach an unfamiliar object. After Brandon Velie’s study, it shows that the stereotype of chestnut mares is a myth. The coat color of the horse did not make a difference in how the horse behaved.

As an owner of a chestnut mare, I can say that this is a myth because my horse has not displayed these bad behaviors. If you have a moody chestnut mare, you can supplement your horse’s diet with natural raspberry leaves or Mare Magic. The raspberry leaves help your horse’s temperament and keep them calm.
Will a chestnut mare be your companion? I believe every horse deserves a chance, and you might be surprised of the behaviors shown by every chestnut mare. Each and every horse is different.