Winter will soon be here, and you may be preparing your horse's blankets and getting them out for the season. When using a blanket or turnout sheet, you may discover that it's no longer waterproof anymore. Blankets or sheets that are designed to be waterproof wear out over time. After using your horse's blanket for many years and washing it various times, it eventually will not be waterproof anymore. If you start to notice your horse being wet underneath their blanket or sheet, this may mean that it's time to re-waterproof it. Let's look at these simple and easy steps to make the blanket waterproof again.
Use a Waterproofing Spray
When you need to re-waterproof a blanket or sheet, it's important to get a spray that is specifically made for horse blankets. Don't use a waterproofing spray that is made for other items such as clothes or shoes. A favorite waterproofing spray of mine is the SmartWorks Blanket Waterproofing Spray by SmartPak. This easy-to-use spray re-waterproofs your blanket without affecting the breathability of the blanket fabric.

How to Re-Waterproof Step-by-Step
Wash the blanket/sheet: Put your blanket in the washer (or go to an equine blanket washing service). Use a detergent made for horse blankets and wash it in cold water. My go-to detergent is the SmartWorks Blanket Wash by SmartPak. Do NOT put the blanket in the dryer.
Apply the waterproofing spray: After your blanket or sheet is washed, apply the waterproofing spray when the blanket is damp. Don't wait for the blanket to dry, make sure to apply this spray when the blanket is damp. Apply the spray only on the outside of the blanket, not underneath.
Wait for it to dry: Once you've applied the re-waterproofing spray on the blanket, allow it to dry before use or putting it back in storage.
Helping your Waterproof Blanket Last
Now that you have done all the hard work of re-waterproofing your horse's blanket or sheet, you want it to last as long as possible. To prevent the waterproofing effect from losing its purpose, only wash your blankets in cold water and never put them in the dryer. If you have to put them in the dryer, do not use a setting with heat. The heat destroys the waterproofing effect. Blankets should be re-waterproofed at least once a year. The best time to re-waterproof your horse's blanket is in the spring so it will be ready for the winter.
By practicing these simple steps, you can re-waterproof your horse's blanket and make sure it's ready for winter!