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An Interview with Faith Ciesielski- A Western Lifestyle Influencer

The Glorified Equestrian

Updated: May 7, 2024

"I operate my page with an emphasis on faith, horsemanship, western fashion and cowboy culture. My goal for my page is that everyone feels encouraged to partake in this industry," says Faith Ciesielski. Faith, also known as ranchyrapunzel on Instagram, is a western lifestyle influencer who also has a passion for horses. Faith is a 23 year old full-time paramedic and self-taught cowgirl. Growing up, Faith and her family moved all over the country due to her dad's career. Faith's journey with horses started when she had her first pony ride at 4 years old. A few years after her first pony ride, her parents purchased a green broke pony so her journey as a horsewoman could begin.

Faith had the help of books, YouTube, and equine 4-H clubs when starting her equine journey. She was involved in western pleasure, drill teams, rodeo queening, FFA, gymkhanas, and equine judging teams. Over the years, Faith and her family continued to move around the country and her skills increased as she learned more about horses through the lenses of different cultures. Although Faith was raised in a Christian home, her family had years of great loss and trauma. When Faith was 16 years old, she was traveling with a friend and her family to a rodeo. During their travels, a blizzard occurred. With Faith sleeping in the backseat of the vehicle, they wrecked on the interstate.

"I was pinned, suffocating, and beginning to die. I begged God for my life, and he heard me," Faith says. Her friend climbed into the vehicle to remove Faith's body from the entrapment so she could breathe. Unfortunately, her friend's father passed away at the scene. After the accident, Faith's relationship with God got stronger and she now strives to honor him in all she does. She went to college to become a fireman and paramedic. Graduating before she was 20 years old, Faith has now been in the Fire and EMS industry for five years.

Faith's content creation on social media began when she started to take notice of all the western content creators on Instagram. Many of the western content creators on Instagram showcase their horses and modestly share their lives. Faith thought to herself, "I bet I could do that!", and that is when she started her Instagram. Faith said, "I've always had long hair growing up and it's a major part of who I am, so I decided to name the page ranchyrapunzel because I thought it was funny and unique. Faith had a lot of fun posting about her horses on her new Instagram.

Faith Ciesielski

Photo by Faith Ciesielski

As winter came, she was running out of horse content, so she branched out into western fashion. While branching out into posting western fashion, she fell in love with it. Two years had gone by, and her account started to grow steadily. She was working with small businesses and sharing experiences she had with her horses. Faith's family moved again, and that is when the ball started rolling for her. Faith was now in an area with a substantial cowboy culture, which provided more opportunities for her. Faith had begun collaborating and becoming friends with other influencers.

A local western photographer who was starting her business reached out to Faith and asked if she could take some photos of Faith to practice. After posting the photos that were taken, companies began to approach that photographer for brand deals. The photographer then asked Faith if she could model the products for her contracts. After agreeing to model some products, Faith continued to do this for many companies, and this opened many doors for both Faith and the photographer. Faith was featured magazine ads, and even more companies recognized her. Larger scale companies offered partnerships with Faith, and her platform steadily grew.

I asked Faith some questions so we could learn more about her story, and her experience with being a western lifestyle influencer.

Q: You are known for your unique long hair; can you tell us a bit about what your hair care routine looks like? Any tips on how you promote hair growth, favorite hairstyles, etc.?

A: "My hair care routine is very simple! I have learned that the less you do with your hair, the better. Wash your hair when it needs it, brush it, and leave it alone! That means no bleach or color, no heat tool usage (except for maybe once a month), and only trimming the dead ends 1-2 times a year. Braids are my signature hairstyle for a multitude of reasons. It's easy, it doesn't hurt my scalp, and it doesn't cause breakage. Don't ever feel the pressure to buy expensive hair products. I've learned that these products don't actually repair or improve your hair, they only coat your hair in films or waxes that make them appear to be improving. Cheap products with minimal ingredients and chemicals have worked just fine for me. I always say to live like a cavewoman, and it'll grow like a weed!"

Q: Can you tell us how being yourself and unique helps you be successful when partnering with companies and provide more opportunities?

A: "I think companies have always been drawn to the fact that I'm conservative and God fearing. The only reason I say that is because more often or not, they mention that they recognized my values, and they were interested in working with me because they also have the same values."

Faith Ciesielski

Photo by Faith Ciesielski

Q: Do you have any advice for someone that hopes to become an influencer and partner with companies like you do?

A: "When I started, I was really embarrassed that my friends, family, and coworkers would find my page and make fun of me. In reality, they were very supportive. It's always awkward when you start, but once you get a routine, you'll get the hang of it. If people do make fun of you, just remember that they'll stop as soon as you're having success."

Q: You are a fireman and paramedic, how has those careers helped shape the person you are today?

A: "This is probably my favorite question. My career has shaped me dramatically as a person in many ways. It has taught me how to think and operate under pressure, given me leadership skills, and has impacted how I view life. Every time life gets hard, I just think about one of my patients and it reminds me of just how fortunate I really am. My career also helps me have the confidence when I compete with horses. Every time I am nervous in the arena, I just remember all the situations I have been in as a first responder and that I succeed with God's help, so there is no reason to be scared when I compete."

Today Faith still continues to operate her page with an emphasis on faith, horsemanship, western fashion, and cowboy culture. Faith's goal for her page is that everyone can feel encouraged to take part in this industry. Faith remembers what it was like trying to learn on her own since she wasn't born into it. Faith says, "Not everyone in this industry is polite or welcoming, and that can be disheartening as a beginner. You don't have to be like everyone else. In fact, you'll be more successful if you are yourself. The major influencers or competitors in the industry didn't get famous by being like everyone else. They rose to the top because they were different and possessed unique qualities. I always say, if it's your dream and God's will, nothing can stand in your way other than your own sin."

I thank Faith for taking the time to tell us more about her story and give us advice based on her experiences. You can head to her Instagram to follow her journey here.


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