You can live a life of living your dream, but one moment can change your life forever. Lily Rhodes understands how a moment in your life can change unexpectedly but decided to follow her dreams no matter what. Lily Rhodes was raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and had an early start to her equestrian career. Lily’s mom was an equestrian herself, leading Lily to follow in her footsteps.
While attending a birthday party of her friend’s, Lily and her friends were riding on an ATV. The ATV overturned causing Lily to have a severe injury to her arm. Lily had to have her arm amputated and therefore her future was unknown. Lily didn’t know how she would ride again, with only one arm.
After a very long recovery, Lily was determined to get back in the saddle and began competing in show jumping. Lily started to share her story on social media, inspiring others that they can follow their dreams. Lily looks on the bright side of everyday life, showing others that they can follow their dreams too. She currently has 32.5K followers on Instagram and uses her marketing skills to work with equine brands and companies.
I interviewed Lily and asked her some questions.
Q: What got you into horses?
A: “My mom rode horses her entire life, so I inherited the horse girl gene! She influenced my love of horses, and it has stuck ever since. She is still by my side as my biggest cheerleader! It’s so lovely being able to share a sport with her.”
Q: What do you enjoy most about show jumping?
A: “What I enjoy most is the total “zen” mode you enter while jumping around, it’s pure focus and pure fun. It really feels so close to flying! I love the rhythm you establish with the horse, and there is really no better feeling than sharing a mental plan with your horse.”
Q: What would you say is most difficult about being an amputee rider?
A: “That’s a tough question. For me, I would say the mental block. Sometimes I struggle with confidence and it can be really challenging after a tough ride. Sometimes I struggle with the trap of “if I only had two hands” and find myself wishing I had them both when I need to solve a problem. That being said, I always figure it out with one hand!”

@lilybrhodes on Instagram
Q: What was your experience like at the Land Rover Kentucky Three-Day event and how was the journey it took to get there?
A: "The experience in Kentucky can only be described as once in a lifetime. It took an army to get there, but it was truly incredible. We made lifelong memories and friendships. It took a lot of mental preparation on my part to make sure I could be as effective of a rider as possible. I was definitely very anxious at first, but managed to work out of it and just have fun."
Q: What are your future goals and plans to help make para-show jumping a discipline for competing?
A: "My future goals are to find my para horse and pursue para show jumping full force. I am passionate about seeing this sport officially recognized by the governing bodies, and will continue to work to see it through. I hope to use my platform to continue sharing this message!"
I give a big thank you to Lily for taking the time to do an interview and share her story. You can follow Lily’s journey on Instagram @lilybrhodes.